dance company

Performance Training for the progressive & pre-professional student

dance company

The Midstate Ballet was created for students who aspire to perform concert works by emerging and professional choreographers in a pre-professional dance setting.  We believe that performing is an essential part of the growth and development of aspiring dancers. Company members have the opportunity of working with both in house and visiting professionals. to perform throughout the year in a range of different venues and styles. Performances range from classical ballet to modern and jazz, and from full length works to emerging choreography. Joining the company comes with a a level of necessary time and commitment from both the dancer and their family.

NHSDA Ensemble

Community Service through Dance

This Performance Training Track is for the Commercial dancer who aspire to “gig” within the entertainment industry, perform dance for Broadway, TV, Movies, Theme Parks, Cruise Line industries, etc. These Middle School & High School dancers learn leadership skills and perform at the annual June Show and at special “Dancexperience” events as called upon or created.

dance crew

Hip Hop Crew is under the direction of Anwar Berry who travels to us from New York each week to train these outstanding dancers. Dancers participate in parades and performances around the S. Central PA Region.

Crew + Limited Commercial

Hip Hop Crew with add-ons. This group of classes includes a weekly: HIP HOP, CONDITIONING or ACRO, CREW REHEARSAL & any 2 Electives for the dancer who wants a company experience but has time for other activities.




Specialty groups are weekly classes held in a genre outside the dance company setting. 

Pom Squad performs high energy Pom style Dances to showcase their talents.

The Musical Theatre Ensembles present Disney Kids Musicals and original shows and broadway style pieces.


our media

Excerpt from the Nutcracker

Midstate Ballet

Hip Hop crew


Pointe Class


Interested in dancing with us?

we'd love to speak with you now

Let's talk soon or stop in and try as many classes as you like for free.

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